Stay Behind Closed Doors
The first photo was from Ian Berry’s friend, photographer Denise Stock, in Munich and the project was also aided by her. Many of her photos portrayed her daughters home schooling. Other professional photographers included the likes of Michael Cuffe and famous street art documentary photojournalist Martha Cooper who helped hint at Ian Berry’s next project #iclapfor with her portraying the clapping at 7pm nightly in New York. Lucinda Grange who shot Ian’s Secret Garden in New York showed a stunning shot, showing the light come in through the window blinds from her Swiss home.
Stay Behind Closed Doors
Ian Berry uses photography to base his handcrafted pieces in denim. Back in March/April 2020 he had shoots planned in the homes of some of his friends to build on Behind Closed Doors to show at the Museum Rijswijk in The Netherlands.
Then covid hit and lockdown happened in the UK; and the world. His shoots were cancelled. He saw how his art had taken on a new meaning, for years having portrayed isolation. He started asking friends to portray their own isolation, initially thinking of using them to turn to blue with his denim jeans.
Photos began coming in and together with Curator Diana Wind they decided the photos were an amazing documentation of the time. While Behind Closed Doors and isolation art were to become common phrases, it was an extension to Ian Berry’s work and a natural project.
Hundreds of photos came from across the globe, from both professional photographers as well as amateurs. Some portraying the melancholy so familiar in Ian Berry’s pieces in denim to humour and documenting the things what we did behind closed doors, like playing games, exercise as well as the loneliness.
Ian Berry and Diana Wind decided to display many of them in the Garden Gallery of Museum Rijswijk. 16 were chosen to be printed, with many more lasered in to denim to make a back drop with Tonello onto Cone Denim fabric. Alice Tonello and Kara Nicholas and Gabriel Theodorm represented these companies with submissions of their own along with exhibition supporter Tricia Cary of Tencel. Even more were shown on a TV screen bringing many people in to the show.
As we head in to new lockdowns it reminds us of a time past, the mentality, the fear and the hope. We see the loss of Kiana Elliott who was due to represent Australia in her first Olympics and Oscar Winning Costume Designer Jenny Beavan OBE shot by Juan Gimenez Japiola that was the one closest to an ‘Ian Berry’. A favourite of Diana Wind was shot by Nathan Meckley of his wife Angelique Meckley in San Francisco doing Yoga with her cat by her side, the big windows bordering the beautiful view on San Francisco Bay outside.
The photos
Remote Daniel Remer, Israel
Angelique Meckley by Nate Meckley, San Francisco
Kiana Elliott, Australia
Kiana Elliott was working hard for her first Olympics when the Pandemic hit. Narrowly missing out in Rio, Tokyo was to be her games. Representing Australia as a Weightlifter was her focus ever since swapping the sport from Gymnastics. The photo is taken by her coach, Martin Harlowe in the Australian lockdown as she continued to train, without a date to train for.
‘The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.’
Mohammad Ali
Bruna Balodis, South London
The Brazilians living in Sarf London
So Close, Yet so Far by Vivian Raaijmaakers memoriesliketattoos, Holland
Denise Stock, Munich, Germany
A Stitch in Time Niki McDonald by Alec Dawson, Sydney, Australia
Jenny Beavan OBE by Juan Gimenez Japiola, South London
Double Academy Award winning Costume Designer on lockdown:
The tragedy is I found lockdown was a time to breathe. We had a massive tragedy losing my daughter’s husband four days into lockdown but it meant I could just be there for her. Nothing else to do .. and the privilege of just being able to concentrate on one important area of life was inestimable.
Soloman Russell - aka Left Hand Twill USA
The Puzzle Michael Cuffe Napa Valley, California
“Living in California’s wine country, both my partner Jessie and I were working in the wine industry when the pandemic first took hold. The first case of community exposure in the United States occurred in the next town over from us. As the cases grew, so did our anxiety as we hosted guests from around the world. When our Governor finally closed bars and wineries, it was a huge relief. We felt incredibly exposed at work and felt we were going to catch COVID-19 at any moment due to the high volume of international tourists we hosted. At home, and suddenly under a statewide quarantine, we found solace in working on a Wizard of Oz puzzle I had purchased years earlier every night. Over 65% of our county also burned in massive wildfires as well in September and August, and 2020 has literally felt like Armageddon. We’re thankful we’ve been able to stay healthy despite having friends and relatives get extremely sick from Covid, and unfortunately some have even lost their lives. Years from now, we know this will all seem like some strange dream. We’re now ready to wake up.“
Michael Cuffe and Jessie Prohaska
“The Puzzle” by Michael Cuffe
Napa Valley, California - 2020
Lucinda Grange, Switzerland
Martha Cooper, New York
And finally, the famed photo journalist Martha Cooper best known for her documenting of the 70’s and 80’s New York Street Art Scene. Bringing out the book, Subway Art, known as the graffiti bible. Here she shows another side of New York, the streets from inside. New York would clap overnight at 7pm in a very popular moment. Here you see Cooper banging a pan, joining others making noise around the city.
Bored at Home
Left Hand Twill, New York
Alice Tonello, Italy
Angela, Huddersfield.
Dianne Allen, by Sebastian Quinn, Los Angeles
Lele Navarro, Brazil
Luchandro Franca, Rotterdam
Christian Evans, Bristol, UK
Thomas Greenhalgh, St Albans
Valeria Lannes, Rio, Brazil
Tino Konino, Switzerland
Tino Konino, Switzerland
Kara Nichols, New York
Marina Testino, Spain
Passing time at Home
Bruna Balodis, South London
Michael Cuffe Napa Valley, California
Bruna Balodis, South London
Elliott Berry :-)
My entry… one night when I was out projecting I came across this scene of friends in their garden playing cards, there was something so nice about the scene, yet the fence was my barrier to them. Ian Berry
Maria Enriqueta Arias, Mexico
Deborah Turner, Derby, UK
Siliva, the Denim Window, Amsterdam
Gabriel Theodorm, London
Gabriel Theodorm, London
Home Schooling
Denise Stock, Munich, Germany
Denise Stock, Munich, Germany
Denise Stock, Munich, Germany
Sheryl Hanks, Dubai
Patrick Prinz, Hamburg, Germany
Kirsty Adamson, Derby
Nicola House, UK
13th Birthday, J.R. Lawrence Lee Dziengel, LA
Kirsty Adamson, Derby
Seeking the Light
Sebastian Quinn, California
Valeria Lannes, Brazil
Jon Cotay, Chicago
Lele Navarro by Lucas Limo, Brazil
Erik Herrström, New York
Luchandro Franca, Rotterdam, Holland
Bruna Balodis, South London
Working from Home
Ruedi Karrer, Switzerland - Working from home.
Juan Carlos Gordillo Arana, Venezuela
Gökhan Göksoy, London
Selina, Istanbul, Turkey
Azure Peace, East London
Bruna Balodis, South London
Mirjam Pet Jacobs
When my husband had to set up a working place at home. He had moved from the dining room table to our guest room, after having been allowed to pick all his stuff from work. Just a laptop couldn’t do the job. We’re happy that he still has a job and that he’s able to drink coffee with me during the day.
Bluehemia Denim
Dave Fox, London
The art of the Caption
Rosemarie Sutanto & Delphi Eva Wright captured candidly whilst enjoying a cup of tea in the car park of our warehouse complex. Rose is my housemate and Delphi is my girlfriend. We live together in a warehouse located in North London. Rose and Delphi are sitting on the inside of another housemate, Leona's T4. Leona worked in the theatre industry and a week before Boris Johnson cancelled all public events and activities, she was on tour with her production of A Strange Tale of Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel. Leona was also supposed to come back to London to continue her work at Shakespeare's Globe and her contract was canceled. The night before this photo was taken, Leona came back to the warehouse to pack her belongings, as she was headed back to her home country, Ireland, indefinitely. An hour or so before Leona set off on her journey we all came up to the car park to enjoy our only outdoor space and say goodbye.
In order of appearance from right to left. Toby Hood, Leona Nally, Bruna Martins, Vincent Wung Hai Hui, Harvey Williams-Fairley, Rosemarie Sutanto, Delphi Eva Wright, Zeynep T. Cakmak, Jesse Henry Pruneda, Morgan Haringman and Darren Maddox. All captured enjoying a cup of tea with our soon to be departed housemate Leona. Leona worked in the theatre industry and a week before Boris Johnson cancelled all public events and activities, she was on tour with her production of A Strange Tale of Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel. Leona was also supposed to come back to London to continue her work at Shakespeare's Globe and her contract was cancelled. The night before this photo was taken, Leona came back to the warehouse to pack her belongings, as she was headed back to her home country, Ireland, indefinitely. An hour or so before Leona set off on her journey we all came up to the car park to enjoy our only outdoor space and say goodbye.
Jesse Henry Pruneda, posing in his 'working from home' attire. Jesse is my housemate and I caught him roaming the hallways of our warehouse apartment dressed in a shirt, tie and suit jacket, but with sports shorts on his bottom half. I immediately grabbed my camera, and when I asked Jesse what he'd been doing, he told me that he had been in a video chat with his employers and he wanted to be seen to be taking working from home seriously, even though in his day to day job as a bar and venue manager, Jesse doesn't have to wear a suit and tie. Jesse had been discussing the viability of transitioning to online events to keep business incoming. Jesse was furloughed soon after.
Brent Underwood, California
Brent Underwood, California
I came up to Cerro Gordo to fill in for our caretaker and socially distance. That was nearly 3 months ago. It’s definitely the longest I’ve ever gone in isolation.
I’ve been trying to use the time productively though. I’ve been renovating buildings, cleaning up areas, and exploring the 30 miles of mines underneath the town.
There used to be 4,000 residents here, so they left behind all sorts of stuff. Being a silver mine around the 1870s, a lot of the miners here wore jeans. Specifically Levis. The old owner found something like 20 pairs of them.
I’ve been spending my late afternoons diving deep into mines people haven’t been into for over 100 years. Searching for the elusive ‘blue gold’ as some people call it. So far I’ve only found scraps of jeans. But each day as I go into a new mine I get the excitement that maybe today could be the day! Maybe today is the day I find a pair of 1873 Levi blue jeans. Hey, one can hope right?
Brent’s Story went viral..
Artists at Home
Guernica Mancini by Lisa Drake, Stockholm
Guernica Mancini by Lisa Drake, Stockholm
Guernica Mancini by Lisa Drake, Stockholm
Nick Young, LA
The Hamptons Life, New York
Niki McDonald by Alec Dawson, Sydney, Australia
Lucy Bryant Haus of Lucy, London
Felipe Chavez, Columbian based in London
Barbara Shaw, UK
Benjamin Murphy, Ilkley, Yorkshire
Home Exercise
Karl Turkovic, South Africa
Sam and Jack, Newcastle, Australia
Sandeep Agarwal, India
A Special Mention
memoriesliketattoos, Holland
memoriesliketattoos, Holland
Making Masks
Evan Morrison, Hudson Hill, Greensboro NC
Evan Morrison, Greensboro, NC | Photo @joeyseawell
Evan Morrison, Greensboro, NC | Photo @joeyseawell
Evan Morrison, Greensboro, NC | Photo @joeyseawell
Evan Morrison, Greensboro, NC | Photo @joeyseawell
Evan Morrison, Greensboro, NC | Photo @joeyseawell
More Isolation Behind Closed Doors
Kate Smith, London
Sharon, Huddersfield
Barbican Life, London
Barbican Life, London
Christine and Eddie, Huddersfield, UK
The Hamptons Life, New York
Christine, Huddersfield
The Hamptons Life, New York
Daren Kay, Brighton, UK
Berry Poetic, Southport
Paul Rogers, Huddersfield
Dave Fox, London
Nolen Nareedokmai/Nate Cephas. The model Max Eurich, New York
Nolen Nareedokmai/Nate Cephas. The model Max Eurich, New York
Chris and Eddie, Huddersfield
Only thing on the TV, Yorkshire
Where have you been? Yorkshire
Eddie, Yorkshire
Landy Kay
Curtian Peeper, Huddersfield, UK
Barbara Robles, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Barbara Robles, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Barbara Robles, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Paul Rogers, Huddersfield
How many weeks? Huddersfield
Sam Remer, London
I’ll still get dressed for work. Paul Rogers, Huddersfield. UK
Angela, Huddersfield, UK
Sharon, Huddersfield
Leah Norman Falzarano, North Carolina
Leah Norman Falzarano, North Carolina
Working from Home, Daren Kay, Brighton UK
Katarina, Malmo, Sweden
Katarina, Malmo, Sweden
Sophie, London
Kate Smith, London
Sophie, London
Tom, St Albans
Kate Smith, London
Kate Smith, London
The Doctor is Home Daniel Remer, Israel
Kate Smith, London
Kate Smith, London
Angela, Huddersfield
Stacey, Brighton
Ross, Brighton
Jenny Goodall, North Yorkshire
Mine Yanyali, London
Andre Veloux, Princeton, USA
Andre Veloux, Princeton, USA
Chris Gregory, West Yorkshire
Chris Gregory, West Yorkshire
Thomas Greenhalgh, St Albans
Tom Morrissey, Florida
Zainab Malik, Mumbai, India
Zainab Malik, Mumbai, India
Angela Ryrett Roper, Norfolk
Nicola Gordon by Emma Gordon Levine, New York
Zsofia, London